Board of Trustees
Email – [email protected]

Dr. Melanie Becnel, Director
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I would like to welcome you to BCA! I am Melanie Becnel, your Director. This is my sixteenth year in education and each year has brought new and exciting challenges. Being a part of the Bayou Community Academy family has allowed me to become open to new and exciting ways to reach children’s needs as they prosper through their educational experiences. I am here to serve you and your family. If there is anything that I can do to make your experience with BCA even better, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to a great year and working with each and every one of your children.
Dr. Melanie Becnel, Director

Mrs. Sara Barrilleaux, Business Manager
Welcome BCA Family and Community Members!
Thank you for your interest in Bayou Community Academy. I am Sara Barrilleaux, Business Manager for BCA. Serving as the Business Manager, provides me with the exciting opportunity to work with an amazing team of professionals who are all committed to educational excellence. As a primarily state funded school, sound financial management is key to insuring the future of the school. My role as Business Manager is to help insure the financial integrity of the school, a responsibility to which I am fully committed.
I am excited to be a part of the BCA team and look forward to what the future brings.
Sara Barrilleaux, Business Manager

Jessica Rosado, M.Ed., Principal
As the principal of Bayou Community Academy, it is my goal to provide our scholars with a school experience that is reflective of the cognitive, social and emotional needs of children and adolescents, while embracing the mission, vision, and values of BCA. Through collaborative partnerships, we can lead our scholars to understanding the value of education and to recognize the opportunities associated with academic success, effort, and determination. I look forward to building a sense of community within our school and working in collaboration with all stakeholders. BCA all the way!
Jessica Rosado, M.Ed.