Science Club
Elementary Science Club - with Bricks for Kids
Ms. S. Bourgeois, Ms. L. Hebert, & Ms. E. Breaux
Meeting Dates
*Please see the Calendar for this year’s club dates.

The BCA Science Club is a STEM enriched club where scholars will have the opportunity use science, technology, engineering and mathematics to design, create and test different phenomena based on real world applications
Section A: Purpose
- Awaken curiosity and inquiry.
- Stimulate observation and exploration skills.
- Enrich and enhance school curriculum.
- Link Science concepts learned in school to the real world.
Membership is open to scholars in grades 2-4 upon payment of the dues as outlined below.
Dues – Dues are $35.00 per scholar.
Section C: Club Dates
Science Club will meet at least once a month for the entire school year. Our meeting dates
are below:
Section D: Club Sponsor:
Mrs. S. Comeaux is the BCA Science Club sponsor. She can be contacted anytime via email [email protected] or 985-446-3011.
Club Sponsor Responsibilities:
- Maintain an awareness of the activities and programs sponsored by Challenge Island/Bricks for Kidz.
- Explain and clarify campus policy and procedures that apply to the club.
- Inform club members of those factors that constitute unacceptable behavior on the part of the club members, and the possible consequence of said behaviors.
Section E: Dismissal from Science Club:
Scholars can be dismissed at anytime during the school year without a refund due to the following:
1.) Suspended/expelled from school.
2.) Given three warning on appropriate behavior during club sessions. The club sponsor will contact parents each time for inappropriate behavior.
Our signature below indicates that we have read and agree to the Science Club By Laws set
____________________________ _________________________
Parent’s Signature Scholar’s Signature
Scholar’s Name______________________ Homeroom Teacher____________________
____$35 Science Club Fees ( ) cash ( ) check #________